[성인반] 원어민 직강반 레벨 및 교재 안내
페이지 정보
작성일 22-02-15 조회 2,154회본문
★ 참고로 게시글의 맨 아래쪽에 회원님들의 편의를 위해 수업시간에 사용되는 교재를 한번에 구입할 수 있는 교재 구매 사이트를 안내해드립니다.
★NOTE: Finishing one course does not automatically qualify one to the next level. A student’s level will be assessed at the end of each course.
Then he or she will be referred to the next programs/ course he or she is qualified to enroll.
파란색 글씨와 노란색 형광색은 본인의 레벨을 판단하는데 중요한 지표입니다. 수강신청 하실 때 참고해주세요.
BEGINNER (Book-Centered)
-Can take part in basic, factual conversations. For example, ‘Where does your rabbit live?’ ‘It lives in my garden.’
-Can go to a shop where goods are on display and ask for what they want. For example, ‘Can I have this drink, please?’
-Can understand simple information from a pen friend. For example, ‘My name is Anita. I’m 16 and I go to school in Brazil.’
-Can write a simple message saying where they have gone and what time they will be back. For example, ‘Gone to school. Back at 5 p.m.’
Level Focus:
- Basic grammar principles in the book.
-Simple conversation in specific topics suggested in the book that is used.
-Basic activities in the book that is used and the equivalent workbook.
▶ Beginner 1 WED/FRI 10:00~10:50 American English File Starter (Third Edition) Studentbook&Workbook
▶ Beginner 2 TUE/THU 10:00~10:50 American English File 1 (Third Edition) Studentbook&Workbook
INTERMEDIATE (Semi Book-Centered)
-Can take part in a casual conversation for a reasonable period of time. For example, ‘How was your camping holiday this year? Did you get washed away in all that rain?’ ‘When we got there the campsite was closed because of flooding. But we were really lucky – the holiday company offered us a cottage instead for the same price.’
-Can go to a counter service shop (where goods are not on display) and ask for most of what they want.
-Can understand letters with a range of personal opinions.
-Can write simple letters stating facts and events.
-Can ask further questions on specific situations and experiences shared by a classmate.
-Can share experiences that are relevant to what a classmate is sharing.
- Can spontaneously express his/her thoughts with minimal errors in grammar on topics that are found only in the book being used.
-Can construct sentences similar to the grammar principles being discussed (non-interactive sentences).
Level Focus:
-Intermediate grammar principles.
- Personal views of situations and principles in the topics being discussed
-Interactive discussion on certain experiences and opinions being shared by a classmate.
▶ Intermediate 1 WED/FRI 11:00~11:50 American English File 2(Third Edition) Studentbook&Workbook
▶ Intermediate 2 TUE/THU 11:00~11:50 American English File 3 (Third Edition) Studentbook&Workbook
ADVANCE (Non-Book-Centered) 토익스피킹 Lv 7 or 8 / Opic Intermediate High or Advanced에 해당
-Can take part in conversations on a range of abstract topics with a good amount of fluency (accurate grammar) and a variety of expressions.
-Can deal with complex and sensitive transactions (situations involving making a phone call or sending emails in English).
-Can spontaneously participate in a debate (with impromptu rebuttals and interrogations from classmates).
-Can handle uninterrupted speech (long and continuous) or presentation based on a certain topic that may not be found in the book being used.
-Can read quickly enough to cope with an academic course.
-Can write letters on any subject with good expression and accuracy.
-Can confidently interact with the foreign teacher.
Level Focus: (The book will only serve as a guide in every class)
-Interactive discussion of the topics presented in the class.
-Presentation of experiences and opinions regarding complex matters.
▶ Advance 1 TUE/THU 12:00~12:50 Express Yourself 2 (3rd Edition)
▶ Advance 2 WED/FRI 12:00~12:50 Express Yourself 3 (3rd Edition)
회원님들의 편의를 위해 한번에 교재를 구입할 수 있는 사이트를 안내해드립니다.
주문절차는 아래와 같습니다.
1. http://www.lhbook.co.kr/ 로 접속
(별도의 회원가입 필요 없음)
2. 교재 주문하기 클릭
3. 학원/학교 교재 검색 칸에 노원천문우주과학관 입력 후 교재검색 클릭
4. 전체 반 목록 중에서 해당 반의 “주문”버튼 클릭
5. 주문하실 교재의 수량 확인 후 배송지는 자택주소로 기재